
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The theme this month for the 'Girls Just Wanna Paint' Challenge group is SPIRIT. Check out the variety of "Spirit" paintings at

Lots of fun and variety

From this painter:

May you be filled with Loving Kindness
May you be at Peace and Ease
May you be Safe from Inner and Outer Harm and Danger
May you be HAPPY

'Spirit Energy' 7x7 acrylic on board

Friday, November 26, 2010


I actually painted this on my last trip to San Francisco. Will get set up out here today to paint here for the next 2 weeks. This is a scene looking out of our car window driving around in Sonoma.....which is where we are going tomorrow.

SONOMA 30 x 16

the other GRAND news happening on the West Coast. Walter Carlton and myself have just opened a new Gallery called STUDIO 277 in Puerto Vallarta Mexico!
The Gala OPENING is Dec 1.
It is very exciting and well received.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rocks and Latin

I  can't get over how breathtakingly beautiful the cold, November, full moon ocean is.

36x30 acrylic on canvas

Here is the start of another. The artist Abraham Bogdanove, is my inspiration. he was a Russian painter that moved to NYC and Monhegan Island in the late 30's. My grandmother collected his art

 Sunday Nov 21 is the Fine Arts Chorale concert. My head is filled with Mozart and Haydn's Latin masses. What a lovely thing to have in my head, Rocks and Latin

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Last Saturday's workshop was  magical. We painted in the most glorious place with laboratory weather conditions. The next Saturday WORKSHOP is on DEC 11. Come and join us!
The light for the critique was amazing.

The Glades is the most beautiful land in our South Shore area...raw and untouched nature with some simple summer dwellings

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is the HOLIDAY season and there are 3 wonderful small work events not to be missed.
North River Arts this week-end
The South Shore Arts Center featuring an ongoing small works exhibit with a National Juried Show BODY LANGUAGE and the Copley Society in Boston with a reception on Thursday evening November 18 
If that isn't enough, Come and paint at the NORTH STREET STUDIO Saturday workshop, Nov13. Lisa Daria Kennedy will be teaching with me :]

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week-End Work

The South Shore Art Center opened a new satelite Gallery in Hingham at the Shipyard last week. Kimberlee Alemian [sorry for the fuzzy photo] gave a challanging drawing workshop this past week-end.
We worked on huge pieces of good quality watercolor paper using black and white paint and charcoal.

We had to work quickly for timed intervals while the model posed. There was no heat in the building so we took advantage of the loud music to move our whole bodies while making large, lose gestures.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This month our Challenge group topic is FASHION.
OY! I have never felt very comfortable keeping up with that venue, however style and being comfortable with your look is another story. I have had these wonderful boots for 15 years...they still make me feel great when I put them on.

7x7 acrylic on board

Check out the Challenge group's interpretation of