
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today I get out of bed in Albuquerque! I am attending the American Polarity Therapy Association Conference for the next 4 days.

You can read more about this beautiful healing work on my web site here. Click onto HEALING ARTS under Portfolio.

POLARITY THERAPY is a comprehensive body centered therapy, based on the Ayurvedic system of elements that clears and balances the flow of "life energy". Ayurveda is a 4000-year-old science of preventative health and self healing which attempts to maximize homeostasis. Hands on bodywork releases blocks that build up in the physical and psycho-emotional realm, breaking up unconscious patterns, creating new space for transformation and restoration to occur.

Read more information about  polarity therapy

If you haven't experienced a Polarity Session, Call and make an appointment with me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Lots happening at an accelerated pace..No?
I took this painting along others to the Rowley Gallery in Orleans on Cape Cod for the Opening tonight that kicks off the summer season.

RODIES AND ROSE [accent on the rosE)

This is also Festival at North River Arts Society. I have two paintings in the show. Congratulations to Nancy Colella and Sally Dean for awards at the show...the GJWP really shine at this exhibit

Sunday, May 20, 2012

MAY 20

May 20. The mayor of Boston has proclaimed FRESH PAINT DAY. I am a proud Gallery artist member of the Boston Copley Society of Art. Lots of plein air painters on the streets for the upcoming CO/SO  auction.


The GJWP reception was well attended yesterday. The show looks fabulous. Thank you so much for all of your hard work Sally Dean

Hang on to your hats tonight Folks. The solar eclipse is "on" at 9:30 EDT.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Steady Theme

On a rainy day...PAINT ROSES
16 x 16

Join the  GJWP gang this Saturday May 19 from 2-4 at the Duxbury Bumpus Library. The show looks fabulous...66 small gem paintings to view plus each artists "Personal Best" larger piece. Not to be missed!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I used a small painting done on location and photos to paint this. I am still struggling with it. The colors are fighting with me but I have got my boxing gloves on..the fight is not over yet..any tips are welcome.


May 12 10-3
Come and Paint

Check out the GJWP monthly challenge!