
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rustic and Crusty

South of Puerto Vallarta is the village of Yelapa, accessible only by boat. Yelapa is a blast from the past : very simple, rustic and suited to a very bare bones,  natural, care free lifestyle. .....inhabited by many artists.

Boats 30x30
acrylico on canvas


  1. Page,
    This is wonderful. Love the blues and greens in the water and the boats in the distance are really nice. Boat at front of canvas is full of rusty, crusty character. Bet this is fabulous in person at 30 X 30.

  2. So, was this plein air??? This big? It is just lovely - inviting..I love the rich colors - tell me what boat I need to take, I feel I need to escape the chill here!

  3. Thanks for the comments...Kelley this work was done in my studio from photos and just letting er rip...I tack a big piece of canvas on a big piece of plywood and use photos from my computer as a reference and just flail the brush loaded with paint around..yes..a lot of fun

  4. muy bonito, Page! No translation required, right?


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