
Tuesday, October 18, 2011



We do have a good time painting on Tuesdays. Last Tuesday during the critique I dropped one of the artist's paintings in between the dock slits!!! It was a full moon high tide and we looked in the water but had no luck finding it. I felt horrible  and at the same time it was so unusual that we all tried not to laugh or be upset. 20 minutes into the critique, the tide turned and we looked once again...lo and behold we found it hung up on some seaweed, ready to make it's big break out to sea. Ah, the beauty of acrylic..after 2 days of drying out it is now framed.

Linda's painting


  1. beautiful paintings! what a close call! I dropped a friend's just painted painting on my clothes a few months ago and am still wearing those flowers on my pants!

  2. On peut dire qu'elle revient de loin... Elle s'était octroyée une petite baignade... J'imagine la scène!
    Heureusement que cette mésaventure s'est bien terminée... Au moins, cette toile aura l'avantage d'avoir une belle histoire.
    Je vous félicite toutes les deux pour ce joli travail.

    gros bisous à toutes (vous me semblez être un groupe bien sympathique...)

  3. Love those strong glowing colors, so clean and clear! Also love the dropped painting story, small miracles are everywhere!

  4. Page, Mary's Boat is FANtastic! Love the colors and the strong design!

    I would have laughed, then probably cried. You are a class act, and see what happens? xo

    p.s. it's registering as Tim because he's a blogger now, too... and I forgot I have to sign him out and sign me in...

  5. LOve your strong colors on the boat, it's another wonderful painting.
    Sounds like a really fun class-glad you shared the story.

  6. Your Tuesdays sound so fun! They must be inspiring too, because these paintings are wonderful! Hope you all have a great time this weekend. :)

  7. Wow the color in 'mary's boat' really pops! Wonderful shapes as well. Thanks for your visit, I'll post another demmo today.

  8. What a great story! I can't believe you found the painting after dropping it in the water. The colors and reflections in your boat painting are fantastic.


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