
Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Perhaps Miles Davis  wrote his most beautiful KIND OF BLUE Album [date me] during the darkest time of the year. This can be the most fun, festive time, the yang....a tough time for some .the yin. A time for reflection, a time for celebration.

KIND OF BLUE Click here to purchase
on a piece of canvas


  1. love the blues and the shadows with that hint of - yellow ochre? this painting is like jazz or singing the blues - it's the blues but you still have fun singing it! (also) I put the email link on my blog - would this work?

  2. You got that right! Highs are real high, and lows real LOW! I guess we are all supposed to just breathe and accept. This painting says it all. Great job. Meanwhile, when are we gonna have some holiday cheer?

  3. Histoire de voir la vie en bleu...
    Gros bisous

  4. What a wonderfully thoughtful post this is. Your painting is full of so much mood, and the reference to Miles Davis is apt. Such a master of darkness and light. I love his music.

  5. ...Kind of Blue is beautiful in all ways

  6. This is lovely, such an introspective mood in Kind Of Blue. It makes me feel like slowing down and taking in its beauty.

  7. You are so right, Page, This time of year, while a time for sometimes maniacal decorating and celebration, is also the time of year the most people fall into depression. yin and yang.
    Blue, as in your beautiful painting, can not only mean 'sad', it can mean cool and calming. Looking at this painting I feel that calm and peace. Back at you girl.. (or should I say Candace...)

  8. Well said and well done!
    Nice analogy, Pagie.

  9. A wonderful post and palette. THis has a super sense of depth as well...lovely


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