
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


This painting has taken me almost a week to finish! I have been traveling for almost a month now and I don't have all of my comfortable canvas, brushes etc with me. This is the place I am living in this snow here!
The apartment has a very narrow spiral staircase so I needed to use 2 canvasses to get the size I wanted.

40 x 32
Price on request. Available in Puerto Vallarta

This is what I sat with for a few days...really trying hard not to tell everything..a challenge for me


  1. Un paradis... Je comprends que la neige ne vous manque pas !... Une très belle peinture remplie de plénitude et de lumière...
    Je m'absente encore une fois pour un voyage de 5 semaines aux Philippines ce prochain 1er février... Je pense que je vais profiter au maximum de cette nature luxuriante...
    Gros bisous

  2. Hi Page.
    I would like to go back to all these lovely paintings of yours and leave a comment, but alas, time. So I will leave a comment on this one and include all of them. This painting is brilliant. All the others, brilliant also. Please hurry back and post more. All the best Page.

  3. That turned out absolutely beautifully! I love all the hits of turquoise. And the understated background. Really gorgeous!

  4. I just want to walk into your painting!! The colors, especially the turquoise, are gorgeous. I like the turquoise repeated in unexpected places. Love this!

  5. wow, i love the feeling of this! it's joyful and open and i just wanna take a seat and have a chat. lovely! enjoy!

  6. I just love them both. The underpainting is beautifully constructed and looks like a nocturne of the same scene.
    Someday I'm coming to PV ;)

  7. What a beautiful place and a beautiful painting, Page!! It does look like "Paradise"!!!

  8. I could look at this one for a very long time-so beautiful and just the right amount of info.
    Glad you are in such a beautiful spot!

  9. looks like a warm, sunny place and the painting is awesome too!

  10. Beautiful paintings, Page. It is so fun to see your creative process! Enjoy the sunshine!

  11. Very beautiful. Love the view! Have fun.

  12. Page, love seeing the "during", and "after" views. Beautiful work! Enjoy Mexico, sounds fabulous!


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