
Sunday, February 26, 2012



The architecture is so charming and simple here in Mexico

A special Good Bye to my teacher of painting and more importantly...of life and right attitude.

ROS FARBUSH died on Feb 17.

I had the pleasure of knowing her for many years. I got to paint with her on the South Shore of Boston, in Boston on the streets, on Cape Cod, in San Miguelle D'Allende and last year in Puerto Vallarta. She was a true FREE spirit. I love her and will really miss her as will many many of us.


  1. This is a great example of how you paint values with color. I admire that a lot.
    You had mentioned Ros Farbush's passing before, and I certainly noticed it then. This post is a nice way of remembering her.

  2. Thanks Sam..Ros was ALL about color...on top of correct value, composition and personal expression..and the personality was key...just like YOU have Sam

  3. Another wonderful piece Page. Your sense of value is right on target. I can feel the warmth of the sun. And yes this post is a lovely way to remember a friend and artist.

  4. Hi Page.
    Beautifully painted Cottage. So sorry to hear the bad news about your Friend and tutor. I know how you must be feeling.
    All the best Page.

  5. Beautiful painting, Page. My favorite area is the wonderful shadow under the eaves with the gorgeous color in it. It's rainy and cool here this a.m. so this bit of sunny Mexico really helps start my day. My condolences on the loss of a dear friend, so glad you have all the memories of time spent together.

  6. Boy, I can just feel that warm sunlight on the side of that building! What a wonderful painting. Sounds like you are in a wonderful warm groove down there!

  7. I am just now seeing this post, Page. I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend, Ros.

  8. Love your Mexico work Page, heck, I love ALL your work! Thanks for mentioning Ros...miss her but like you, am so grateful to have had her be a part of my life. She was a force.


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