
Monday, June 4, 2012


Soooooo....Let's just call it a little too 'right brained' after an incredible Polarity Therapy conference in Albuqerque NM. I actually spaced out the correct time of my flight back to Boston and missed my flight  !!!!!!!!

Soooooo...I used the time for a later flight as creatively as possible! I whipped this painting off in the hotel lobby !!!!!!! for an overdue post for the fabulous GJWP . Luckily the folks in New Mexico are pretty open minded and didn't think me weird at all.
I used the saran wrap surrounding the plastic cups for a palette on top of a tray (I am not staying at the Ritz), squeezed out some gobs of paint, one brush.... did my best to get the values down first go around. I used my phone to record the picture (not great), posted and headed right out for the airport

Some cool art in Santa Fe


  1. This painting and story just make me smile. Beautiful work! Sending good thoughts your way for safe travel.

  2. Wow! I am sooo impressed! Wonderful painting! :)

  3. You crack me up! I used the plastic from the cups at my motel last weekend to clean my brushes! (I didn't want to waste the gloves I brought) Note: The wrapped motel soap works really well too! Great painting and I love your guts.
    Paint on!

  4. La petite histoire qui accompagne cette dernière peinture est amusante et finalement le fait de manquer un avion a parfois du bon! Une belle peinture faite sur le pouce!
    gros bisous

  5. beautiful work...keep it up!


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