
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Calle Matamoros

Here I am in Mexico. I am taking on a "30 paintings in 30 days" Challenge put out there by Leslie Saeta. It is suggested that we have a theme. I have decided to document my days in Mexico, unless I feel like doing something else. Just paint...that is the kickstart I need now.
Calle Matamoros 8x7 $200


  1. Hi Page! So nice to see that you are in the challenge-it's going to be fun for the month of January. I am quite envious that you are in Mexico-hope you have a wonderful stay.
    This is a great first painting for the 30 in 30.

  2. Just gorgeous, Page! You lucky girl, you ! Enjoy the sun and beauty of Mexico! I'll be looking forward to seeing your 30 painting!! Can hardly wait!

  3. You are off to a great beginning; this painting is stunning! I'm looking forward to seeing more of Mexico through your work. Have fun, Page!

  4. Yes maam...that's a great subject. I have accepted that challenge too...(I have to think of a theme--I love that idea) I love the patches of red in this. You are very talented!

  5. Glad you are set up and working in your "new" digs. Think about you everyday in that gorgeous place. This will be great fun all month - seeing where this challenge takes you! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great subject and perfect for where you are....

  7. Love your painting and your theme! Looking forward to more!!


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